Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Top tips to enjoy your ice cream this summer

Ice CreamSummer might be taking its time, but we all hope that sooner or later the sun will appear. There is nothing nicer when the sun is beating down, than an ice cream with friends and family, but what if you suffer with sensitive teeth.
Here at West Wickham Dental Practice  we have come up with 5 top tips to treat sensitivity, allowing you to enjoy your fill of ice cream this summer.

  1. Use sensitive toothpaste and don’t brush too hardDentist tooth brush and toothpaste
There are a variety of different sensitive toothpastes available which if used routinely can help to improve sensitivity. You should brush your teeth twice and day, using small, circular movements and a soft bristled toothbrush. Brushing too hard will wear the enamel away and lead to sensitivity, by using a soft toothbrush you can help to prevent this.  You should be advised that if you stop using the sensitive toothpaste the sensitivity is likely to return.

  1. Wait an hour after eating before brushing
Each time you eat the enamel on your teeth softens, if you brush your teeth straight after eating you will brush away tiny particles of the enamel. Over time this can lead to the dentine being exposed which can cause sensitivity. By waiting an hour, you give the enamel time to reharden.

  1. Reduce how often you have sugary and acidic foods and drinks
Sugary and acidic food and drink can wear away the enamel. Where ever possible try to limit sugary and acidic foods to mealtimes as this reduces the number of attacks your teeth must contend with every day.

  1. Consider wearing a mouth guard
If you grind your teeth, discuss with the dentist whether it would be worth having a mouth guard to wear at night. This will help to protect the teeth from further damage. Any areas where the teeth have been severely worn, exposing the dentine and causing sensitivity, can be treated by building the teeth up using a white filling material.

  1. Visit your dental team regularlyDentist Appointment
It is important that you attend for regular dental appointments as this will ensure that any problems are identified early and can be treated without the need for extensive and expensive restorations.

If you would like further advice on treatment for sensitive teeth do not hesitate to call West Wickham Dental Practice today on 0208 776 1188 to book a consultation.

Benefits of joining West Wickham Dental Plans

West Wickham Dental Practice aims to reward its loyal patients by offering exclusive, affordable preventative maintenance plans tailored to optimise your oral health and save you money. Our Dental Plans are open to all our patients, regardless of their past dental history and current oral health and aim to help you smile proud.
Benefits of joining West Wickham Dental Plans
  • Spread the cost of your dental careDental Plans, calculator showing cost saving
West Wickham Dental Plans, help to spread the cost of your routine, preventative treatment across the year into 12 manageable monthly payments. For a fixed monthly fee, you can cover your examinations, hygienist appointments and x-rays. You will also receive 10% off any additional treatment.
  • Reduce the risk of expensive dental treatmentDental plans Dentist appointment
By attending for your routine dental appointments, the dentist will be able to identify any problems early, reducing the need for expensive, extensive treatment. You have already paid for them, so be sure to attend!

  • Oral health adviceToothbrush
The focus of West Wickham Dental Plans is preventing problems before they occur. This means that the dentist and hygienist will work closely together to ensure that you are provided with the latest oral hygiene advice, to ensure that you can keep your teeth in the best possible condition in between appointments. Enabling you to keep your natural teeth healthy, strong and in your mouth where they belong, for as long as possible.
  • UK and Worldwide dental accident and emergency insuranceDental Plans and Insurance
Whether at home or abroad, you have the peace of mind of knowing that you will be covered in the event of a dental accident or emergency. This means you can always be sure of getting to see a dentist no matter where in the world you might be.
If you would like to join one of West Wickham Dental Plans call West Wickham Dental Practice today on 0208 776 1188 and speak to one of our team or download a sign up form from our website.

Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Top tips for good children’s oral hygiene

Children Oral HygieneBy ensuring that you teach your children the fundamentals of good oral hygiene you can ensure that they have the skills to maintain their teeth and gums for years to come.
Here at West Wickham Dental Practice we have some top tips to ensure you can set your children up for a lifetime of good oral health

Make brushing funMake brushing fun
There is nothing worse than a daily battle to get your children to brush their teeth. Avoid the conflict by making brushing fun. Allow your children to pick their own toothbrush, many now include their favourite TV and film characters. You can also brush along to a favourite song or download apps that will display pictures as they brush for two minutes. By getting them involved and excited by the process, children will want to brush their teeth.
  • Set an example
Children Oral Health If you children see you taking care of your oral health, they will begin to understand the importance of oral hygiene. By brushing along with them or allowing them to help you brush your teeth you can make tooth brushing a fun family time. You can also use disclosing tablets to show areas that have been missed while brushing, by including yourself in this you will able to show that everyone misses sometimes, but with proper brushing techniques it is possible to minimise the risk of decay.
  • Attend for regular dental appointments
It is important that children start attending for appointments with their parents as soon as their teeth come through. This will allow them to get used to the unfamiliar sights, smells and sounds in the dental practice. By attending from a young age, it helps to reduce the fear so often associated with the dentist.
Technique for Tooth brushing
  • Brush twice a day – once in the morning and once before bedtimeChildren brushing
  • Use a small headed, soft brush
  • Apply only a smear of toothpaste
  • Create a habit – always brush teeth in the same order to ensure that no tooth is forgotten
  • Remember the gum line
  • Be gentle – brush using only a slight pressure

If you would like to start your children on the path to a lifetime of good oral hygiene call West Wickham Dental Practice today on 0208 776 1188 to book a consultation.

Monday, 24 April 2017

Dental implants – is it time you take the plunge?

Dental ImplantsHave you got a missing tooth or teeth? Unsure how you want to replace it? Dental implants may provide just the solution you are looking for.
dental implant is a titanium screw that can be placed into the jaw to replace the root of a tooth. It can then be used to support a crown, bridge or denture, replacing one or several missing teeth.
Here at West Wickham Dental Practice we have put together some of the benefits to choosing dental implants over other tooth replacement treatments:
  1. Next best thing to healthy, natural teeth – Strong and stable, a dental implant restores a lost tooth so that it looks, feels, fits and functions like a natural tooth. Other options can lead to bone deterioration, and mayImplants couple on bike interfere with eating, smiling, speaking and other activities of everyday life.

  1. Enjoy life without worrying about your teeth! – Teeth restored with dental implants are teeth that let you, not your teeth, lead your life.

  1. Retain your natural face shape, and smile – A face without teeth can sag and appear sunken and sad. Dental implants allow you to maintain the natural shape of your face and smile.

  1. Protect healthy bone – Dental implants are the only dental restoration option that preserves and dental implant smiling womanstimulates natural bone.

  1. Keep your teeth in your mouth – not in a cup – Dental implants allow you to keep your teeth where they belong – in your mouth. Brush, floss and care for teeth that have been replaced using implants exactly the way you would natural teeth.

  1. More predictable than other repair and restoration methods – Dental implants have a track record of reliable, long-term successful outcomes and if cared for properly they should last for many years.

If you would like to find out if dental implants are the right treatment to replace your missing teeth call West Wickham Dental Practice today on 0208 776 1188 to book a consultation.

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

No Smoking Day

This year’s No Smoking Day fell on Thursday 8th March, will you be one of the thousands of smokers who take the leap and stop smoking for good. You will be able to feel the benefits of stopping smoking from day one.
It is not only about saving money. You will also drastically improve your overall health and reduce your risk of heart disease and cancer.

Smoking and your oral health
Most people are unaware that smoking can have a detrimental effect on your mouth, teeth and gums. Smoking can lead to tooth staining, gum disease, tooth loss and in severe cases mouth cancer.
    Stained Teeth
  • Tooth Staining – staining on your teeth is due to the nicotine and tar in the tobacco. Your teeth may appear yellow in a very short time and after years of smoking can turn almost brown.
  • Gum Disease – smoking increase the levels of plaque in your mouth, which can lead to gum disease. Smoking also prevents infected gums from healing, due to a lack of oxygen in the bloodstream. Gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults in the UK.
  • Mouth Cancer – mouth cancer is one of the few cancers that is set to rise in the coming year and smoking is a major risk factor for developing the disease.
Quitting Smoking
Quitting is the best thing you will ever do.                                                    Saving Money
  • For you
You could save around £1,700.00 a year
Your sense of taste will return
Your breathing and general fitness will improve
You’ll be more confident

  • For family and friends
You will protect those around you by not exposing them to second hand smoke Stop Smoking
You will reduce the chances of your children suffering from bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma attacks, meningitis and ear infections

For information and help on quitting sign up on the NHS Smokefree website and take the leap and quit for good.
Book AppointmentConcerned about your oral health? Call West Wickham Dental Practice today on 0208 776 1188 to book a consultation with our dentist or hygienist who will be able to give you help and advice on taking the best possible care for your teeth. They will also be able to scale and polish teeth, removing staining caused by smoking.

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Top Tips For A Kissable Smile This Valentine’s Day

Valentine's DayWith Valentine’s day, just around the corner whether you are in a long-term relationship or just starting something new we have some top tips to ensure that your smile is totally kissable.
Maintain a good oral hygiene routine
It is important to ensure that you brush your teeth twice a day using a fluoride toothpaste and clean interdentally once a day. It is often food particles that get trapped between teeth and start to decay that are the number one cause of bad breath. By keeping your mouth free from trapped food, you can help to improve the appearance of your smile and reduce the risk of developing bad breath.Brushing Teeth
Ensure you are cleaning your whole mouth
It is important to ensure that you brush your tongue, floss and exfoliate and moisturise your lips as well. For fresh breath and soft kissable lips, it’s important to pay attention to your entire mouth.
Avoid stains
Certain foods, drinks and lifestyle habits are notoriously bad for staining the teeth. Avoid drinking tea, coffee, red wine and avoid eating dark sauces and berries. Essentially anything that can stain a t-shirt or a tablecloth has the ability to stain your teeth. Smoking is another top culprit for staining teeth, the only way to stop this however is to quit the cigarettes!
Come and see us at West Wickham Dental Practice
Dental CheckupKeep up with your regular dental appointments to ensure that your teeth are as healthy as possible. At each appointment, the dentist will check for the early signs and symptoms of any dental issue to ensure they are treated early. You can also have appointments with the hygienist who will be able to scale and polish your teeth removing plaque and calculus which if left can cause staining and in the long-term gum disease and tooth decay
Consider cosmetic dentistry
You might not have time to get anything extensive done before Valentine’s day, but you could get booked in ready for the summer, so you have something to be excited about, even if you can’t smile about it yet. Alternatively, there may still be time to get teeth whitening ready for date night.
Valentine's Day KissWant a kissable smile? Call West Wickham Dental Practice today on 0208 776 1188 to book your appointment to discuss cosmetic dentistry or to book an appointment with the hygienist for a deep clean.

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

6 Ways To Make Your Teeth Sparkle This New Year

Teeth SparkleRecent surveys have shown that a bright, white smile can help to make someone appear younger and more attractive. Your smile is often the first thing a new person will notice when they meet you, so why not make 2017 the year you ensure that your teeth are in the best possible condition.
  1. Hygienist appointments
The dental hygienist specialises in preventative dentistry, in particular the treatment of gum disease and other periodontal conditions. The hygienist will thoroughly scale and polish your teeth to give your smile a lift.
  • The hygienist will be able to polish your teeth to remove food and drink stainsTeeth Sparkle - Hygienist
  • Regular scaling and polishing helps to keep your teeth and gums health by removing plaque and calculus that can build up and cause gum disease.
  • Demonstrations on effective tooth brushing can help you to remove plaque without causing tooth wear and receding gums keeping your teeth bright in between appointments

  1. White Fillings
White fillings can now be used in nearly any tooth in your mouth. A white or composite filling is made up of a mixture of glass particles, synthetic resin and a setting ingredient.
  • Once in your mouth, no one will be able to notice white fillings as they blend seamlessly with your natural teeth.
  • White fillings are usually light cured, which is where a bright light is used to harden the composite mixture and set it. This means that you will be able to eat and drink as normal as soon as the anaesthetic wears off.
  • White fillings can be bonded to your tooth and this means once applied the tooth will often be stronger than they were before.
  1. Dental Implants
Cosmetic Dentist West Wickham, Bromley, BeckenhamDental implants can help to restore your smile, replacing gaps caused by missing teeth. Dental implants can be used to support either crowns, bridges or dentures depending on the number of teeth to be replaced.
  • Dental implants are the next best thing to healthy natural teeth. Restoring a lost tooth so it looks, feels, fits and functions like a natural tooth.
  • Teeth restored with dental implants are teeth that let you, not your teeth, lead your life
  • A face without teeth can sag and appear sunken and sad. Dental implants allow you to maintain the natural shape of your face and smile.
  1. Teeth Whitening
Teeth Whitening is an effective and affordable way to enhance the appearance of your smile. Teeth Whitening can help to give your teeth back their sparkle by removing stains caused by food, drink, smoking, ageing and medications.
  • Teeth Whitening is an excellent way to improve your appearance. Having a beautiful smile is now within the reach of anybody who wants it.
  • A whiter smile tends to minimise the appearance of facial wrinkles, giving way to a more youthful and energetic appearance.
  • Teeth Whitening can help to boost a person’s self-confidence
  1. Teeth Straightening
Teeth straightening can have a dramatic impact on the appearance of your teeth and smile, no matter what your age is. There are a wide range of teeth straightening procedures available and your dentist will be able to advise on the best one to suit your needs.
  • Teeth straightening can help to improve your confidence and self-esteem, allowing you to achieve thingsTeeth Straightening you never thought were possible.
  • Teeth straightening helps your gums to fit more securely around your teeth and in the long term this can help to reduce the risk of teeth loss.
  • Teeth straightening and properly aligning the bite, reduces discomfort and wear caused to your mouth and jaw.
  1. Smile Makeover
smile makeover uses a number of different cosmetic dental treatment to completely change the appearance of your teeth and smile. A smile makeover takes into account your facial appearance, skin tine, hair colour, teeth, gums and lips to develop your ideal smile.
  • Patients have confidence in their new smile which spills over into social and work related situations.
  • It is possible for dramatic results to be achieved in relatively few appointments, so a smile makeover can be a great way to prepare for an important event.
  • Teeth that have been straightened, repaired and replaced are easier to keep clean. By maintaining a good oral hygiene routine, you can help to keep your teeth looking their best for years to come.
What are you waiting for? Call West Wickham Dental Practice today on 0208 776 1188 to book your consultation and start your journey to a sparkling smile.