Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Top tips for good children’s oral hygiene

Children Oral HygieneBy ensuring that you teach your children the fundamentals of good oral hygiene you can ensure that they have the skills to maintain their teeth and gums for years to come.
Here at West Wickham Dental Practice we have some top tips to ensure you can set your children up for a lifetime of good oral health

Make brushing funMake brushing fun
There is nothing worse than a daily battle to get your children to brush their teeth. Avoid the conflict by making brushing fun. Allow your children to pick their own toothbrush, many now include their favourite TV and film characters. You can also brush along to a favourite song or download apps that will display pictures as they brush for two minutes. By getting them involved and excited by the process, children will want to brush their teeth.
  • Set an example
Children Oral Health If you children see you taking care of your oral health, they will begin to understand the importance of oral hygiene. By brushing along with them or allowing them to help you brush your teeth you can make tooth brushing a fun family time. You can also use disclosing tablets to show areas that have been missed while brushing, by including yourself in this you will able to show that everyone misses sometimes, but with proper brushing techniques it is possible to minimise the risk of decay.
  • Attend for regular dental appointments
It is important that children start attending for appointments with their parents as soon as their teeth come through. This will allow them to get used to the unfamiliar sights, smells and sounds in the dental practice. By attending from a young age, it helps to reduce the fear so often associated with the dentist.
Technique for Tooth brushing
  • Brush twice a day – once in the morning and once before bedtimeChildren brushing
  • Use a small headed, soft brush
  • Apply only a smear of toothpaste
  • Create a habit – always brush teeth in the same order to ensure that no tooth is forgotten
  • Remember the gum line
  • Be gentle – brush using only a slight pressure

If you would like to start your children on the path to a lifetime of good oral hygiene call West Wickham Dental Practice today on 0208 776 1188 to book a consultation.

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