Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Top Dental Emergency Questions Answered

Dental Emergency

No matter how careful you are, dental emergencies can happen to anyone at any time. In this blog we look at some top questions, to ensure you know what to do should you have a dental emergency.
What is classed as a dental emergency?

Dental emergencies can be split into two main groups.
Visible damage to teeth – teeth can be chipped, cracked or knocked out, crowns can fall out and fillings can be lost. It can happen while you are playing sport, in a trip or fall or by biting down on something hard such as a nut or something sticky such as a toffee.
Pain – dental pain may be caused by an infection in the tooth or gum or by a cavity or decay exposing the sensitive dentine of the tooth.
How do I treat a toothache?
If you are suffering with a toothache, rinse your mouth out with warm water. Using interdental cleaning aids, cleanToothachebetween your teeth to remove any trapped food. A cold compress placed on the cheek at the side of the toothache can help to reduce the pain as can over the counter pain killers.
What do I do if I knock a tooth out?
If a permanent tooth is knocked out by force, with a trip or a fall, it is important that it is replaced into the socket as soon as possible. If the tooth cannot be replaced, keep it within a container of body temperature milk until dental help can be sought. It is important that you get to a dentist as quickly as possible, the best results are seen when a tooth is replaced into the socket within an hour of the accident.
What do I do if I crack or chip a tooth or lose a filling?
If you crack or chip a tooth, rinse your mouth to remove any remaining loose fragments of teeth preventing you from swallowing them. It is possible to use sugar free chewing gum to fill the gap caused by a lost filling or chipped tooth as a temporary measure until you can get to an appointment with your dentist.
What do I do if I have a dental emergency over the festive period?
woman making a call in dental emergencyWest Wickham Dental Practice is open 10am until 3pm on the week leading up to Christmas. If you have a dental emergency in the days preceding Christmas, please contact the surgery on 0208 776 1188 and we will endeavour to book you in for treatment as quickly as possible.Over the Festive period, we will be closed Monday 26th and Tuesday 27th December and Monday 2nd January should you have a dental emergency over the festive period please ring the surgery on 0208 776 1188 and the answerphone message will give you details on how to access emergency treatment. We will be open 10 am – 5 pm Wednesday 28th christmas-greetingDecember and 10 am – 3 pm Thursday 29th, Friday 30th and Saturday 31st December.
All the team at West Wickham Dental Practice would like to wish our patients a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We look forward to seeing you all in 2017.

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Risk Factors for Mouth Cancer

Mouth Cancer Mouth cancer is a cancer that can affect anyone. With over 7,000 people diagnosed with the disease last year and this figure set to increase further over the coming years, it is very important you are aware of any factors that can increase your risk of developing the disease.
91% of all diagnoses are linked to lifestyle factors which means that by amending certain lifestyle choices it is possible to drastically reduce your risk of developing moth cancer. There are four main factors to consider, including:
o   Tobacco
smokingWe all know about the risks associated with tobacco and developing lung cancer, but not many people know it is also a major risk factor in developing mouth cancer. Each cigarette contains thousands of chemicals all of which enter the body through the mouth. Over time the saliva in your mouth is transformed by these chemicals, damaging cells and potentially turning them cancerous.
Smokers are three times more likely to develop mouth cancer than non-smokers and seven times more likely to be diagnosed with throat cancer. However, it is never too late to reduce your risk! Research has shown that by quitting smoking you can reduce your risk of developing mouth cancer by more than a third. So why not use this as the impetus you need to kick the cigarettes for good!

o   Alcohol
Drinking large quantities of alcohol on a regular basis is another major risk factor linked with mouth cancer – with links to around 30% of Wineall mouth cancer diagnoses. The key to this is regularly drinking large quantities, an occasional glass of wine or night out is not a problem!
o   Tobacco and Alcohol
If you combine the two, your risks dramatically increase, by potentially as much as thirty times. If you smoke and drink it is especially important that you attend the dentist for routine appointments so that they can continually monitor the health of your mouth, teeth and gums.
o   The Human papillomavirus
Many experts believe that the Human papillomavirus (HPV), transmitted through oral sex, will overtake tobacco use as the main cause of mouth cancer within the next ten years. HPV is very common and almost every sexually active person will get HPV at some point in their lives. 90% of infections go away within two years, but sometimes the infection can persist causing several different problems, including:
  • Abnormal tissue growth which can cause cancer
  • Genital warts
In order to reduce your risk, you should practice safe sex. There is also now an HPV immunisation programme in place, with all 12 and 13-year-old girls routinely vaccinated.

o   Diet
Healthy Diet50% off all mouth cancer cases are due in some part to a poor diet. It is important to ensure that you have a diet rich in fruit and vegetables to keep your body healthy. Certain food can help to reduce your mouth cancer risk – including vitamin C and calcium supplements, green tea and coffee.

If you would like more help and advice on how to reduce your risks of developing mouth cancer or are concerned about any changes in your mouth book an appointment online, or call West Wickham Dental Practice today on 0208 776 1188. If in doubt get it checked out!

Sunday, 13 November 2016

10 Things To Avoid To reduce Tooth Staining

We all want to ensure that our teeth stay as white as possible so in this blog we look at 10 things you should avoid toAvoid help reduce the amount of staining on your teeth.
WineWine – Red and white wine are acidic drinks that contains tannins, most commonly thought of as being in tea. This gives the drink the potential to cause a large amount of staining on your teeth.
Wherever possible try to intersperse glasses of water in between the wine, not only will this help to reduce any potential hangover the following day, it will also help to reduce the level of staining of your teeth.
TeaTea – Like wine, ordinary tea is rich in stain promoting tannins. Many dentists say that staining from tea can be an even bigger problem than staining from coffee which is low in tannins.
If you can’t bear the thought of giving up your morning brew why not consider switching to an herbal, green or white tea which have all been shown to have much less staining capacity.
Fizzy DrinksFizzy Drinks – Not only do you need to be concerned with the dark coloured fizzy drinks which have the ability to stain your teeth, lighter coloured drinks are sufficiently acidic that they promote the staining of teeth by other foods and drinks that you may have at the same time. Also fizzy drinks are often drunk cold and this has the effect of causing teeth to contract, making them more porous and easier to stain.
When enjoying a fizzy drink try to use a straw as this reduces the amount of drink that comes into contact with your teeth.
Pasta SaucesPasta Sauces – Due to their acidity and bright red hue, the tomatoes in most pasta sauces can leave your teeth vulnerable to staining.
Eating dark green vegetables such as broccoli, kale and spinach beforehand creates a protective film over the teeth and reduces the tomatoes staining effect. Why not opt for a green salad as a starter?
vinegarBalsamic vinegar – Balsamic vinegar although a healthy salad dressing, can darken your teeth. This is due to its natural dark colour and the fact that it will stick to teeth.
Whenever you have a salad with balsamic vinegar, be sure to include a crunchy lettuce; chewing the lettuce will help clean the staining balsamic vinegar from your teeth as you eat.
dark berriesDark Berries – Blueberries, Blackberries, Cranberries, Cherries and other intensely coloured fruit also have the potential to cause stains. This is true no matter what form they come in whether juices, smoothies, pies or cakes.

curryCurry – curry’s deep pigmentation can yellow teeth over time.
Whenever you have curry, try to mix in fresh fruits and vegetables that prevent stains such as apples, carrots, cauliflower and celery.

smokingSmoking – Smoking tobacco can cause teeth to become discoloured.
The only way to ensure that you reduce this form of staining is to quit smoking.

medicationCertain Medication – Some medication can cause staining to your teeth over time.
If this is something you are concerned about talk to your doctor, they may be able to recommend alternatives that do have the staining ability.

Poor Oral Hygiene – The key to keep your teeth stain free is to ensure that you have a good oral hygiene routine.
Brush your teeth twice a day using a fluoride toothpaste and clean your teeth inter-dentally daily. You should always wait to brush your teeth until one hour after eating otherwise you may brush away tiny particles of the softened tooth enamel, which in the long term can expose the dentine below which is a yellow colour, which will add to any staining present.
Treatment for teeth staining
Here at West Wickham Dental Practice if you are worried about staining why not book an appointment with one of our highly trained dentist or hygienistsThey are able to perform deep cleanings to remove any staining present on your teeth. They will also be able to advise you on the best oral hygiene products to ensure that your teeth stay pearly white in between visits.
If you would like more help and advice on how our hygienist can help to remove the staining present on your teeth book an appointment online, or call West Wickham Dental Practice today on 0208 776 1188

Quit Smoking Forever

Quit Smoking ForeverSmoking can lead to a wide range of oral health problems, including tooth staining, gum disease, tooth loss and in more severe cases mouth cancer.
If you are considering making this year the year you quit smoking forever, we look at 10 top tips to help you quit.
  1. Focus on your reason
To help keep you on track no matter how hard things get, consider your reasons for quitting. It may be to protect your family from second-hand smoke, reduce your chances of developing lung cancer, save money or to improve your appearance and health. Make sure that whatever the reason, it is strong enough to outweigh the urge to light up.
  1. Put support in placeQuit Smoking tips
Smoking is an addiction and like any addiction you are going to need support to help you quit. The brain is hooked on nicotine, so without it you will go into withdrawal. Your doctor will be able to advise you on stop smoking groups, medication, counselling, hypnosis and apps. This will ensure that you are ready for the day you chose to quit.
  1. Consider Nicotine Replacement Therapy
When you stop smoking nicotine withdrawal may give you headaches, affect your mood and drain your energy. The craving for just one smoke can be tough, Nicotine Replacement therapy can help to take the edge of your cravings. Studies have shown that nicotine gum, lozenges and patches can help to dramatically increase your chance of succeeding.
  1. Take advantage of family and friends
Tell your family and frieMan and Woman Relaxingnds that you are trying to quit. They will be able to provide you with support and encourage you to keep going if you are tempted to light up.
  1. Relax and Unwind
Many people smoke as a way to relax, once you quit you will need to find other ways to unwind. You could start a new exercise class, join the gym, listen to your favourite music, connect with friends or start a new hobby. Stressful situations can make quitting more difficult so try to stop smoking at a time when you feel relaxed and in control.
  1. Avoid triggers
When you drink alcohol it reduces your willpower and so makes it harder to say no to that cigarette. When first quitting it is a good idea to reduce your alcohol intake. If you often smoke when you have your morning coffee, why not swap to tea for a few weeks to help break the association. If you like to have a cigarette after meals find something else to do, go for a walk, speak to a friend or do the dishes.
  1. Clean, Clean, Clean
Once you decide to quit get rid of all your cigarettes, lighters and ash trays. Also try to remove anything that smells of smoke. This may mean washing clothes that smell of smoke, cleaning carpets and upholstery and cleaning the car. If you can get rid of the familiar smell of smoke and anything that reminds you of smoking, it can make it much easier to quit.
  1. Exercise
Get moving! Being active can help to curb nicotine cravings and ease the withdrawal symptoms. It doesn’t need to be anything dramatic, simply going for a walk can help. The calories you burn can also help to ward of the weight gain that many experience when they quit smoking.
  1. Don’t DietHealthy Diet
You need to tackle one issue at a time, trying to cut the cigarettes and calories is a recipe for failure. If you are worried about your food intake focus on fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean protein.
  1. Choose your reward
With all the money you are saving from not buying cigarettes, why not reward yourself by spending some of it on something special.
If you would like more help and advice on how to stop smoking book an appointment online, or call West Wickham Dental Practice today on 0208 776 1188

Fast Orthodontics - The Benefits Of Six Month Smiles

Six Month SmilesThere’s no doubting that modern orthodontics have come a long way since those metallic train track style braces of old. Instead 21stcentury orthodontic treatments now cater for the growing number of adults who are looking to improve the appearance of their teeth. In fact, according to the British Orthodontic Society (BOS), latest figures suggest that 75% of UK orthodontists are seeing a surge in adult orthodontic treatment. One such treatment is Six Month Smiles.
As the name suggests this particular treatment is designed to be completed within six months or less and is part of a growing trend of fast or accelerated orthodontic procedures. It’s designed specifically for older teenagers and adults who have dental crowding, twisting, or spacing issues and offers some befitting advantages over conventional metal style braces.

Firstly, what they can’t do!
Although Six Month Smiles treatment can fix a whole host of dental issues, it isn’t designed to deal with major bite problems. Why? Because like all fast or accelerated orthodontic treatments Six Month Smiles focus their efforts solely on the top and bottom teeth that are visible when you smile. Because of the speedy time scale, it isn’t possible to fix the whole bite or correct tooth root alignment. That said, the vast majority of patients are actually more concerned with how their smile looks rather than how it functions, anyway. In this respect, speedy orthodontic treatments such as this work exceptionally well.
Now we know what they can’t do, let’s turn our attention to their advantages.
They’re discreet
Remember those train-track style braces we talked about at the beginning of this post? Not particularly discreet are they? Many adults are put off from wearing braces for this very reason. After all, who wants to be seen sporting a mouth full of metal every time they crack a smile or talk? On the contrary, Six Month Smiles uses a combination of tooth coloured braces and wiring which blend in with the teeth making their appearance far less obvious.
Utilises low force
A key component of the Six Month Smiles system is the nickel-titanium arch wires. Natural in colour they’re designed to exert a gentle but continual force in order to move the teeth back into the desired position. This means that unlike other brace systems, wearers won’t feel quite so much tenderness in the teeth when force is applied.
ClearAlignersBefore1Perfect for teeth crowding issues
One of the most common complaints of those seeking orthodontic treatment is overcrowding. The Six Month Smiles system is perfectly made for dealing with this particular issue. This brace system has the ability to round out and develop the constricted arch, thus creating sufficient room to simultaneously align the crowded teeth.

They cost less
Aside from being safe and effective, Six Month Smiles typically costs less than many other orthodontic treatments. SavingInvisalign for example (another discreet brace system) will typically cost up to twice as much. So not only are Six Month Smiles better for your teeth, they’re also better for your bank balance too. What’s more, at West Wickham Dental Practice we allow you to spread the cost of your treatment over a number of months making it an affordable and viable option. See our special offers and Smile Proud!
So there you have it – The benefits of Six Month Smiles orthodontic treatment for adults and how it can help you get straighter, healthier teeth.
If you’d like to find out more about how adult orthodontic treatment can help you, then contact the team here at West Wickham Dental Practice. To book an appointment either call us direct on 0208 776 1188 or visit the online booking form on our website. On behalf of the team, we look forward to helping you restore that great looking smile.

Monday, 5 September 2016

Six Month Smiles Vs Clear Braces Which One Would You Choose

six month smiles, clear btraces, Invisible bracesIt used to be that teeth straightening was a treatment purely reserved for teenagers but over the past few years there has been a large increase in the number of adults turning to teeth straightening to improve the appearance of their teeth.
Here at West Wickham Dental Practice we are able to offer two different teeth straightening treatments. Six Month Smiles and Clear braces and in this blog we will look at the key benefits to each treatment.
                Six Month Smiles                       Clear Braces
 six month smiles west wickham and Bromley Clear Braces West Wickham and Bromley
Six Month Smiles uses the latest technology to move teeth quickly and safely.Clear braces, also known as invisible aligners are a safe and effective way to straighten your teeth
Six Month Smiles focuses on those teeth visible when you smile means you can see results fast!Clear braces use a system of retainers to move your teeth. These are almost transparent so should not affect your appearance
Six Month Smiles uses tooth coloured braces and wires which means that the braces should be barely visibleClear braces have minimal effect on your speech, so no one will know that you are wearing them unless you tell them!
Six Month Smiles focuses on the cosmetic appearance of your teeth rather than the position of your bite, using standard orthodontic mechanismsClear braces are removed when you eat so you will still be able to eat a full and varied diet without the worry of getting food stuck in your braces
Six Month Smiles use low force to move teeth more comfortably.Aligners are changed every 4-6 weeks to allow the teeth to move gradually into their final position causing little or no discomfort
Six Month Smiles can give you the smile you want in a fraction of the time taken with conventional treatments.Fewer trips to the dentist are required with Clear braces than with other more traditional teeth straightening procedures.
Six Month Smiles are typically less expensive than traditional teeth straightening proceduresClear braces enable you to still carry out your normal oral hygiene routine without the need to clean around fixed braces
Straightening your teeth can not only help to improve your confidence and self-esteem but can also help to dramatically improve the future health of your teeth and gums. Your oral health is improved following treatment as teeth are properly aligned so can be easily and effectively cleaned. This reduces the need for further dental treatment in the future.
Straighter teeth help the gums fit more securely around teeth and provides the strongest defence against periodontal problems. Properly aligned teeth can also decrease the stress placed on the jaw joints. If left untreated poorly aligned teeth can lead to chronic headaches and discomfort when you eat.
If you would like more help and advice on how teeth straightening can help to improve the appearance of your smile book an appointment online, or call West Wickham Dental Practice today on 0208 776 1188

Dentures vs Dental Implants

There is no longer any need to go through life with missing teeth. There are now a number of different options available to replace a missing tooth, with implants and dentures being the most common options. In this article we compare both options to help you make an informed choice as to whether dentures or implants are the right treatment for you.

Dentures - Your emergency and family dentist in Bromley, Croydon, Beckenham, and West Wickham.

Dental Implants - Your emergency and family dentist in Bromley, Croydon, Beckenham, and West Wickham.Dental Implants - Your emergency and family dentist in Bromley, Croydon, Beckenham, and West Wickham.

Dentures are made by creating either an acrylic (plastic) or chrome (metal) base and onto these composite teeth are added in a shade to match your natural teeth. This means once in place no-one should be able to tell that they are not your own teeth.Implants are made by inserting a titanium screw into your jaw, which is then used to support a crown, bridge or denture depending on how many teeth need to be replaced.
Dentures can be made to replace either a few teeth or all the teeth on your upper or lower jaw. Dentures have the added advantage of allowing further teeth to be added following future extractionsImplants can be used to replace a few or all teeth. Implants can either be placed for individual teeth or can be used to support dentures replacing all the teeth in your upper or lower jaw
Dentures help to improve your appearance, bite and how you speakImplants help to improve your appearance, bite and how you speak
Dentures can be fitted immediately after a tooth is extracted so no one will know you are missing a toothThe base of the implant will be inserted into your jaw. This will then need to be left 3-4 months to heal before a crown, bridge or denture can be placed on top
Dentures can be fitted no matter how healthy your jaw is or whether you have lost the teeth because of damage, wear and tear, decay or periodontal diseaseImplants can only be placed if you have sufficient bone in your jaw and it is healthy enough. If not a bone graft will be required prior to treatment starting
Dentures do not support the jaw so you will notice bone loss over time if you wear denturesImplants help to maintain the bone levels in your jaw and can even help to promote bone growth needed to stabilise and secure the implant
Dentures are suitable for most peopleImplants are not suitable if you smoke and if you suffer with gum disease there is a higher risk of the implant failing
Dentures can take time to get used to and will require practice to allow you to speak and eat with confidenceImplants look and feel like your natural teeth so you will be able to speak and eat with complete confidence
Dentures may need to be remade or relined as the shape of your jaw changes overtimeIf cared for properly an implant should last as long as your natural teeth
Dentures are less expensive than implants but will only last on average 7 – 8 years before they need to be replacedImplants are more expensive but once in place they should last a lifetime
Happy Retired Couple with Dentures and Dental Implants
If you would like more help and advice on whether dentures or implants are the right treatment for you book an appointment online, or call West Wickham Dental Practice today on 0208 776 1188

Thursday, 7 July 2016

Teeth Whitening in West Wickham, Bromley, Beckenham and Croydon
Teeth whitening is an effective way of lightening the natural colour of your teeth without causing any damage to your teeth and gums. Tooth whitening can effectively lighten stains caused by foods, drinks and smoking. It can also improve stained teeth caused by some medications and the general ageing process.

The Law on Teeth Whitening

In 2012 new regulations where brought into effect, stating that teeth whitening is a dental procedure and as such should only be carried out by qualified dental professionals. This means that any beautician, hairdresser or salon staff offering tooth whitening will not have the necessary knowledge or training and are actually breaking the law by offering tooth whitening.Law on Teeth Whitening
Regulation was also bought into effect to limit the strength of the whitening solutions used. Dentists can use solutions up to a maximum of 6% hydrogen peroxide whereas over the counter products and kits can only contain 0.1% hydrogen peroxide. This would be considered too low to have any noticeable effect on the colour of your teeth. So if you are looking for a safe and effective way to whiten your teeth consider asking your dentist at your next appointment.

At Home Tooth Whitening

Here at West Wickham Dental Practice we are able to offer at home teeth whitening
You will first need to attend the surgery for a consultation prior to starting your teeth whitening treatment. Our experienced dentist will be able to explain the sort of results that you can hope to achieve and the time frame for you to start to see results. She will also explain how the tooth whitening solution will only brighten the natural colour of your teeth. This means if you have crowns, veneers, bridges or dentures the whitening process will not affect the colour of these. This means it may be necessary to remake any dental restorations following whitening treatment so that they continue to match seamlessly with the new, brighter colour of your teeth.


Teeth Whitening TraysThe dentist will first take impressions of your teeth. These are then used to create bespoke whitening trays. The dentist will show you how to apply the whitening gel to the trays and will explain how long and how often you will need to wear the trays depending on how quickly you are looking to get results.

Side Effects on Teeth Whitening

You may experience some sensitivity while you are whitening your teeth but this should subside within a couple of days of completing treatment. It may be a good idea to use a sensitive toothpaste during this time. Long term there are no negative side effects to teeth whitening and it can help to improve the health of gums.
Woman with teeth whiteningWe would expect the results to last for around 2 years although most people will have a top up treatment every six months.

If you would like more help and advice on getting a brighter, whiter smile book an appointment online, or call West Wickham Dental Practice today on  0208 776 1188

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Different Tooth Filling Materials

Teeth Filling Materials

If at any point your teeth become chipped or broken and need repairing there are a number of different materials available to help restore your teeth to their original condition. Your dentist will be able to advise you on the best treatment option depending on the size of the area that needs to be repaired, whereabouts in your mouth the tooth is and the strength of your bite.
These treatment options include:

Composite Fillings

Tooth Filling, White Fillings - Your emergency and family dentist in Bromley, Croydon, Beckenham, and West Wickham.Composite fillings have improved greatly over the past few years as the demand for tooth coloured fillings has increased and they are now suitable for use in a much greater range of repairs. Composite fillings are made from powdered glass quartz, silica or other ceramic particles added to a resin base and are light set. They can be coloured to match closely the natural colour of your teeth.

Inlays and Onlays

Inlays and Onlays are made either in the laboratory by dental technicians from impressions taken by the dentist orInlay and Onlayin surgery using a Cerec machine. An inlay is small and placed within the biting surface of a tooth, while an onlay covers a much larger proportion of the tooth. Treatment may be completed over one or two visits and theinlay or onlay will be made of a porcelain material that will closely match the natural colour of your teeth. Porcelain is hard wearing and long lasting. Due to the time and skill taken to create inlays and onlays they will be more expensive than amalgam or composite fillings.


Dental CrownCrowns are used for teeth that have been heavily damaged or have large areas of decay. A crown will fit over what is left of the tooth, similar to a thimble, making it strong and giving the appearance of a natural tooth. Crowns are made either in the laboratory by a dental technician or by the dentist using a Cerec machine in surgery. The tooth is first prepared and either impressions or phots taken depending on which method is being used and these are then used to create a custom made crown which is individually crafted to fit perfectly in your mouth and bite. They are also created so they match the natural colour of your teeth.
Prior to any treatment your dentist will discuss with you all the various options and provide details of the cost of treatment. The team atWest Wickham Dental Practice are able to work with you to create bespoke solutions to your specific dental needs and can help you to achieve the fantastic smile you want.
If you would like to find out how we can help you to achieve the perfect smile and repair damaged teeth book an appointment online, or call West Wickham Dental Practice today on 0208 776 1188

Friday, 3 June 2016

Dental Sedation - All you need to know.

Fear of Dentist, Nervous Patient at Dentist

Does the thought of sitting in the dental chair make you nervous? You are not alone, in fact studies have shown that 36% of adult patients suffer with moderate dental anxiety and 12% of adults have a dental phobia. However, putting off routine appointments and dental treatment can mean that you need much more extensive and complex treatment when you do attend.
All our dental staff are gentle, caring and sensitive to your needs, always discussing your treatment options and engaging you in all stages of treatment planning.

Intravenous Sedation

If you are really concerned about treatment we are able to offer intravenous sedation at the practice. This is given by injection either in the back of your hand or in your arm. The dose will depend on the amount of treatment needed and how long it will take to complete.
You will become drowsy and will not be aware that you are having treatment, but will still be able to cooperate and do what the dentist asks of you. The effects of the medication may take some time to wear off and because of this you will be required to bring someone with you to your treatment appointment who will be able to look after you following treatment. You will be unable to drink alcohol, drive or work machinery until the sedative medicine has left your system.

Uses of Intravenous Sedation

IV sedation, can be used for almost all types of dental treatments ranging from routine hygiene to extensive complex dental treatment, please. Additionally, IV sedation also has the ability to offer varying degrees of retrograde amnesia. This prevents recollection of the dental treatment which for some patients enables them to visit the dentist for routine check-up without being nervous.
Prior to undergoing treatment the dentist will need to have full details of your medical history and any medication you are taking whether or not they are prescribed by the dentist. This is to ensure that you are suitable for the treatment. If you have a very complex medical history it may be necessary to refer you to a specialist service for treatment.

Benefits of Sedation

  • It allows the patient to visit their dentist without any pre-visit nerves and allows the dentist to
    complete the course of treatment in fewer visits than they would normally be               able to do so.
  •  Many kinds of dental treatments can use sedation, allowing patients with different  types of dental phobia to relax and not have  to suffer the usual apprehension which they experience when visiting the dentist
  •  It is particularly useful for those who suffer from dental phobia. It is also useful for those who have extremely sensitive teeth and find co-operating with the dentist and receiving dental treatment, as it will take the pain away from their treatment allowing them to receive the health care they deserve without the stress and anxiety that may usually accompany it.
  •  Patients that have conditions which make controlling their body movements difficult such as Parkinson’s disease and who have gag reflexes that make controlling their mouth stressful will also benefit from sedation and the physical and mental relaxation that it gives to the patient.
  • The patient can experience a freedom from their past fear and apprehension of the dentist, allowing them to receive treatment with peace of mind, as well as receiving treatment that they have not been able to have for many years because of their dental phobia. Patients that do not normally suffer from dental phobia can still take benefit from sedation during some treatments, particularly treatments that are very painful.
  • For the dentist sedation gives them complete control during treatment as patients are more likely to co-operate fully with their dentist, and it also reduces the amount of time and number of sessions that dentists require to carry out their treatments on patients, because more treatment can be administered in a single session.

Dr Anhaar Mohamedali has had extensive oral surgery experience working at Kings College Hospital, where she routinely performed oral surgery on patients under IV sedation safely and comfortably. At West Wickham Dental Practice, we have routinely used IV sedation to treat patients apprehensive of dental treatment to make them Smile Proud! Book an appointment online, or call us today on 0208 776 1188