Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental Implants Before and After
Over the past few years there has been a large increase in the number of people turning to dental implants to help fill gaps caused by missing teeth. They are a safe, long lasting restoration which is currently as close as possible to your natural teeth.
Prior to any treatment you will need to an appointment with your dentist for a consultation. At this appointment the dentist will perform a full assessment of your teeth and gums and will take x-rays to assess the level of bone in your jaw. If there is not enough bone or it is not healthy enough it may not be possible to proceed with implants until you have had a bone graft.
With implants being a large investment you should ensure that you have a full and detailed treatment plan prior to the start of treatment. This should give complete details of the treatment to be undertaken and the expected costs. There is the potential for things to change as treatment progresses but if this happens you should be given all the possible options before making a decision on how you wish to proceed.
Still unsure about whether implants are right for you? We have looked at the benefits of opting for implants over other tooth replacement methods. These include:
  • Helping to maintain bone levels in your jaw. Placing an implant helps to reduce the risk of bone resorption following an extraction and can even promote healthy bone growth to secure the implant in place.
  • Dental implants are independent of your other teeth. Unlike a dental bridge, which is supported by fixing crowns to the teeth on either side of the gap, with implants there is no need to damage your existing teeth to fill the gap.
  • Dental implants will last for as long as they are properly cared for and this can be a lifetime. Bridges and dentures will need to be replaced after 5-7 years so can be more expensive over their lifetime.
  • Implants can be used to anchor and stabilise dentures. This means that you will no longer need to worry about your teeth moving when you talk and eat.
  • Unlike denturesimplants look and feel like your natural teeth, this means that you will be able to speak with confidence and eat a wide a varied diet without fear.
  • When you having missing teeth this can cause your cheeks to sag and create additional wrinkles. Implants help to fill out your cheeks and support your skin. They have the ability to make you look years younger.
  • Cavities can’t occur in an implant-restored crown, or replacement teeth. You will have need to attend for regular appointments with the hygienist to ensure that there is not a build-up of plaque and calculus around the tooth which if left long term can cause the implant to fail.

Implants are one of the ways in which you can fill a gap caused by a tooth extraction. Here at West Wickham Dental Practice we are dedicated to making sure you can smile proud! and offer interest-free financing to make dental implants a feasible treatment option.  If you want to discuss if implants would be right for your call us today on 0208 776 1188


Woman Wearing Comfortable Dentures
The time has come, another broken tooth has had to be removed and now you are faced with one too many gaps for comfort. The dentist has suggested that you consider dentures, as an option to fill the gaps and restore your smile to its former glory.
This week we look at the advantages and disadvantages of dentures to help you decide if they are the right option for you.
Advantages of Dentures
If you have been having problems with your teeth for a number of years, dentures can provide a fresh start. They provide a new set of teeth that are natural looking and custom made. Dentures can have a dramatic effect on your appearance giving you the confidence to smile without fear.
Dentures are very low maintenance although it will often require 4 or 5 visits to make the dentures initially, once they are made, they simply need cleaning in the same way that you would your natural teeth.
Dentures are made specifically to your mouth’s measurement. No two sets of dentures are the same and this means that you should receive the most comfortable and realistic fit possible.
By having a full set of teeth again you will be able to chew food comfortably. It may take some time to get used to your dentures but once they have settled in you should be able to eat a full and varied diet.
Dentures help to support your face and can help to make you look years younger. Toothless gums can result in your cheeks sinking inwards and downwards and cause facial wrinkles that make you appear older than you are. Dentures help to plum up your cheeks and give the skin on your face the support it needs.
Dentures can also help to enhance the appearance of your smile. Dentures can be made so your teeth are straighter than they naturally were and can also be whiter than your original smile. Helping to give you confidence in your appearance. You will be able to feel and smile proud!
Dentures can be a cost effective treatment solution, giving the best results at a fraction of the price of implants or bridges.
Dentures are not always a quick fix solution. If you have extractions before your dentures are fitted, you will find that overtime your gums shrink and this may mean that your dentures need to be relined or remade. It can take some time to get used to your new smile but once you do you’ll be glad you took the plunge.
Some wearers find dentures uncomfortable and awkward to master. It is a good idea to discuss materials with your dentist you may find that a lighter metal frame to your dentures is easier to tolerate. It is also possible to look at implant retained dentures. This means that the dentures will be permanently attached to your jaw and reduces the risk of problems.Old Dentures
Speech can be difficult when you first start to wear a denture, but this should improve over time as you become more used to wearing your dentures.
Alongside dentures it is also possible to look at dental implants or bridges to help restore your smile and filling gaps caused by extractions.
To discuss the possible options to fill gaps caused by missing teeth book a consultation appointment today on 0208 776 1188 or online via

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Dental Emergency: What you can do.

Tooth Ache: Emergency Dentist
dental emergency can occur at the most unexpected time and place; from simply tripping over an untied shoe lace, an accidental hit by a beach ball or in the midst of a rugby scrum.  Sometimes even eating something very hard can break your tooth, particularly if it’s been weakened by tooth decay. Medical conditions such as epilepsy can also make you more likely to fall. The consequence is the same. Excruciating and searing pain from the loss of your teeth!
There are steps that one can take to minimise the damage and increase the success of follow-up treatment to restore your smile.  A number of age old adages float around the community….do NOT use crushed Aspirin on your affected tooth. Aspirin is acidic and will burn your gums.  Another famous anecdote is to swish whiskey in your mouth. While some sensation of relief may be felt, this is due to the irritation caused by the whiskey to the inflamed gums, distracting your brain from the pain from the tooth loss. Finally, one making the rounds on the WWW is using crushed bay berry bark and vinegar. I will hold my hands up and say…”I had no idea what bay berry bark was, until I was rescued by Wikipedia!”
There are some definitive steps one can take in a dental emergency which have been recommended based on clinical evidence.
If you are in pain and have developed a swelling, take some ordinary painkillers – aspirin, ibuprofen or paracetamol (BDA) to provide temporary pain relief. Always read and follow the information on the packet about how much to take and how often, and do not exceed the maximum stated dose.  If you are bleeding from the tooth sockets, using a clean cloth or tissue apply pressure to staunch the flow of blood. Seek advice from your dentist ASAP.
Wash your mouth with some warm water to remove any debris and seek advice from your dentist immediately. If the broken piece of tooth is available, bring it to your dentist as soon as possible as it may be able to be bonded back in place.
Knocked out or missing teeth.
The National Health Service (NHS) provides timely advice for dealing with tooth loss following trauma. Speed is of the essence if you want to retain your tooth, seek advice from your emergency dentist or A&E dental emergency services ASAP. The sooner the tooth gets implanted back into the socket, the lower the risk of long term damage and a gap between your teeth. A few important points to bear in mind:
  • Do NOT touch the root of the tooth and ONLY handle the white solid crown (top of the tooth)
  • Do not attempt to physically clean the tooth.
  • If the tooth is dirty, rinse it with milk or a saline (salt water) solution and try to put the tooth back into its socket in your mouth as soon as possible. Do not rinse the tooth with water or alcohol.
  • If you can insert the tooth into the socket, bite down onto a clean piece of cloth or tissue or a wet tea bag to keep it in place.
  • If you cannot reinsert the tooth, hold it between your cheek and gum until you manage to see a dentist, or store the tooth in a clean container and cover it with milk or a small amount of your saliva.
The above advice only applies to adult teeth – children’s milk teeth should not be reimplanted as an adult tooth will soon grow in its place.
Lip or Tongue Bite
Gently clean the affected area with a clean cloth or tissue and press down using some ice to stop the bleeding and reduce the swelling. The bleeding should stop after a few minutes, however, if it carries on seek assistance from your local A&E dental emergency service.
Objects Caught Between Teeth
Use dental floss or an interdental cleaner to dislodge solid objects stuck between your teeth. Avoid using a toothpick as there is a greater likelihood of cutting your gums leading to infection. If the object cannot be dislodged using dental floss, seek advice from your emergency dentist ASAP.
Broken Jaw
A broken jaw will often result in swelling and will be quite painful. There may be bleeding from the mouth, and in severe circumstances the cheek or jaw may have an abnormal appearance with the jaw feeling stiff. The jaw may have limited movement, therefore your mouth may not open wide and there may also be loose or damaged teeth.
The swelling may be controlled by placing an ice pack or frozen vegetables. Do not try to force open your jaw, wrap a towel beneath the jaw and tie on top of your head to reduce movement.
Seek advice from your dentist or A&E dental emergency services ASAP.

West Wickham Dental practice provides dental emergency services and an out of hours emergency dental service. We offer late night appointments on a Wednesday and Saturday morning appointments. We will always endeavour to find a time that is most suitable for each and every patient.
To learn more about West Wickham Dental Practiceand to book your consultation appointment do not hesitate to contact the surgery today on 0208 776 1188n 0208 776 1188